Male Psychology: The Magazine

Opinion, Commentary, Male Psychology John Barry Opinion, Commentary, Male Psychology John Barry

A zoology of male psychology: why understanding men doesn’t have to be a turtle disaster​

If everyone agrees that something is no good, it makes sense to get rid of it, right? “In what must have seemed like a good idea at the time, in the year 1233, Pope Gregory IX issued a papal decree that Satan was half-cat and sometimes took the form of a cat. The violent result of this decree was a diminished population of feral cats in Europe.

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Commentary, Violence Pablo Malo Commentary, Violence Pablo Malo

La Violencia de Pareja Legal y Administrativa

La violencia de pareja es un constructo multidimensional en el que se suelen distinguir la violencia física, la psicológica, la sexual y las conductas coercitivas y de control. En este artículo voy a abordar un tipo de violencia de pareja que no ha sido tan estudiada aunque -por su frecuencia y consecuencias- lo merece.

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Commentary, Masculinity, Mental Health John Barry Commentary, Masculinity, Mental Health John Barry

Most people know masculinity is ok, and the Harry’s masculinity reports support this view

International Men’s Day 2017 saw the launch in Westminster of the first Harry’s masculinity report. The report found evidence justifying why the general public think men are basically ok, despite the fact that so many academics seem to use men as a blank screen onto which to project their negative feelings about masculinity.

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